Imoyo, 2021
Acrylic on canvas - 115х85.5
Mombasa, Kenya
How does the traveller see it?
(Fragment of a post from a Facebook page)
Kilimanjaro and the Masai

I saw this painting at an antiques shop in Mombasa, Kenya. The shop had two MENU: antiques and artwork. I wouldn’t normally buy a work like this; it’s not bad, but it doesn’t contain a particularly thrilling scene. If the Masai man was fighting a simba (lion) like morans (warriors) have to do as an initiation ritual, or even drinking cow’s blood, then okay. Instead he’s just standing in his shouka (clothing), leaning on a spear, looking at his boma (dwelling), and in the background stands Mt. Kilimanjaro – which we saw from our hot air balloon in Amboseli. And that hot air balloon, sadly, is not in the picture.

But after speaking with Mama Zina, as she calls herself – the owner of this shop on Ndia Kuu street – I simply had to buy something. Mama Zina (video evidence is provided) needed money for her fight with coronavirus. 

How could I not do my part in the global struggle against this disease?
Что скажет зритель?