Djimbaye Kodjimadji
Acrylic on canvas - 60x88
How does the traveller see it?
(Fragment of a post from a Facebook page)
The UN General Assembly recently passed a resolution to provide Ukraine compensation for all the harm caused to it by Russia’s invasion. Chad voted FOR the resolution. This struck me as a good reason to post a painting I’d purchased in Chad.  

I would call it “Chadian Madonna”. The woman is from the Baggara tribe; they are also referred as “Chadian Arabs”. Baggara, or Bakkara in Arabic, means “herders”. They came to Chad from Sudan, and in Arabic, Sudan (or “Bilad as-Sudan”) — means “land of the Blacks”.  

The painting is the work of Djimbaye Kodjimadji, a young artist from N'Djamena, and he told me that the canvas depicts a woman who is sacrificing herself for the sake of the family. Her daughter, by her side, symbolizes this.   

There were other paintings at his workshop related to women’s rights, but this one was the most expressive. The fight for one’s rights is an essential part of a free person’s life. Today in Ukraine, we are fighting for the right to live on our land. And we will be victorious!
And what do you think?